From the blog coordinator:
The International movement website has someone updating full time. Access to the new link:

Saturday, November 27, 2010


We have established a South African branch of the International Movement We Are Church ( The members of We Are Church, South Africa are a growing number of South African Catholics who are troubled by certain teachings and attitudes of the magisterium, in particular that of the Holy See, which we believe work against the mission of the Church in today’s world. After prayerfully applying our minds, and examining our consciences, we find no alternative but to set ourselves to work for a renewal of the Church in the spirit of Vatican II in realizing the following goals:

-        the building of a Church of brothers and sisters that recognizes the equal dignity and responsibility of all the baptized by including the laity in the election of bishops in their local Churches
-         free choice of either a celibate or a married life for all those who dedicate themselves to the service of the church
-         the admission of women to all church ministries
-         a review of the Church’s position on sexuality and sexual morality, involving lay people of diverse sexual orientations and states of life as well as scientists and theologians
-         an ethos on the part of those in authority in the Church that is characterized by a proper humility in their service of the Church, that seeks to promote freedom of speech and thought and dialogue, especially with those critical of them, both within the Church and outside it. Anathemas and exclusions would never be seen as a way of dealing with these, especially in the case of theologians

In pursuing these goals, we align ourselves with thousands of fellow Catholics around the world who are part of the International Movement We Are Church.

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