From the blog coordinator:
The International movement website has someone updating full time. Access to the new link:



March: The Inaugural meeting of the newly formed Western Cape Region of We Are Church South Africa  was held on 12 March 2011 and attended by 22 individuals, with several apologies. It was decided that: 1. A small delegation would meet with Archbishop Brislin, 2. Monthly meetings be held on Saturday mornings, 3. Public lectures would be held, 4.Janet Perrott and Miranda Forshaw were appointed as regional coordinators, who would work with Brian and Francoise Robertson, national coordinators

April: 25 members were in attendance. Report back on meeting with Archbishop Brislin: the Archbishop told us that he could not work with us because our principles, e.g. to pursue the issue of women priests, were against the teachings of the Church. For this reason he forbade us to use any Church property for our meetings. Brian Robertson reported that his parish priest, after discussing it with the Archbishop, refused to recommission him as an Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist. Augustine Shutte addressed the meeting on the Main Themes of Vatican 2

May: 23 members were in attendance. A discussion was held about what WAACSA means to each of us, and a draft manifesto was debated

June: No meeting was held because of the public lecture

July: 19 members were in attendance. Western Cape WAACSA’s membership had increased to 50 (including Friends). The discussion at the May meeting was continued. It was felt that a Vision and Mission statement might be more appropriate than a manifesto

August: 17 members were in attendance. Discussions continued on what WAACSA means for us. It was decided to invite speakers to address our Saturday meetings. Augustine Shutte has started a WAACSA prayer group.

September: 23 members were in attendance. Brian Jacoby gave a talk on “The New Universe Story”. A bank account has been opened, for members wishing to make donations. It was decided that the last meeting of the year would be a retreat

October: 19 members were in attendance. Fr Wim Lindeque gave a talk on “Personal reflections on the history of conflict within the Church”. The final draft of the mission statement and the change of name to “We are All Church” were approved.

November: 25 members were in attendance. Denise Ackermann gave a talk on “Gender and the Church”. It was decided to organise a public debate next year with high profile speakers.


1 June: Brian Gaybba spoke on “The Post Vatican 2 Church”. About 100 people attended

22 September: Fr Albert Nolan, OP, spoke on “Christians and Climate Change: A New Theology of Creation”. About 80 people attended.


3 December: Mags Blackie led a day long retreat at Schoenstatt for 26 members.

Report compiled by Brian Robertson

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